Certified Quality
Siiimply Veggy guarantees a certified quality product and transparency about its environmentally friendly actions.
SIIIMPLY VEGGY guarantees the full satisfaction of its customers by always offering the best products.
Finally, we have a clear orientation towards continuous improvement and customer satisfaction, in order to offer a quality product and at the same time respectful with the environment.
Siiimply Veggy Certifications.
The basis of GlobalGAP is the EurepGAP policy, an initiative of the major European retail markets that joined in 1997. The rationale to ensure that agricultural products in their departments are not harmful to human health and environmental conditions. EurepGAP/GlobalGap is the standard for good agricultural practice in the European retail sector.
The acronym GRASP stands for GLOBALG.A.P. Risk Assessment for Social Practices. It is a voluntary, ready-to-use module and also develops assessments of social practices on the farm. It also addresses specific issues related to the health, safety and welfare of workers.
Ecological production, also called biological or organic, is a system of agri-food production and management. In addition to combining the best environmental practices, it also involves raising the level of biodiversity and the preservation of natural resources.
Las IFS (International Featured Standards), son normas de carácter internacional, acogida a criterios de acreditación basados en la norma EN 45011 de certificación de producto, sobre todo enfocadas en alimentación, productos y servicios.
Corporate Transparency
We avoid production waste, residues, polluting materials and agricultural waste that endanger environmental sustainability. We seek ever more sustainable packaging and use 100% renewable energy
Together we want to transform the way we grow our products to ensure their sustainability. The common goal with our grower partners is: to use only environmentally friendly farming methods.
Objetivos 2030
The 2030 Agenda provides a blueprint for shared prosperity in a sustainable world. At Siiimply Veggy, we know that it is time to act, and that’s why we are developing specific measures to achieve a healthier planet.
Certified Packaging.
FSC Certificate:
The FSC certificate (Forest Stewardship Council) is a forest certification system that ensures that the raw materials for the production of a product come from sustainable forests with the same certificate.
Indeed, a forest with this certificate is one that is monitored for exploitation that not only ensures the survival of the forest itself in the future, but also improves its quality for both flora and fauna. It also ensures the social and economic rights of the workers and the land and resource ownership and use rights of the indigenous people.